We are all too familiar with the Heroin epidemic, running rampant within our Community. A giant step towards life-saving treatment was made today, thanks to a bill, cosponsored by Congressman Lee Zeldin. The member of the Bipartisan Task Force to Combat the Heroin Epidemic, announced that the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA) (H.R. 953/S. 524), passed unanimously in the House Judiciary Committee this week.
“Every single day, 78 people lose their battle with addiction, and their life, as a result of an opioid or heroin overdose. Last year, on Long Island alone, 442 people died of a heroin or opiate overdose, up from 403 overdose deaths the year before… As addiction and overdose deaths continue to climb, tearing apart families and communities, it is essential that we immediately bring this bill to the House floor for a vote.” -Congressman Lee Zeldin
CARA, when passed, would give up to $80 Million on a local level, to help prevent and treat addiction through community-based education, prevention, treatment and recovery programs. If passed, CARA would also provide a much needed supply of Narcan, directly to EMS and First responders. This medication, which almost immediately reverses the effects of an opioid overdose, is the front line defense our community desperately needs in order to get the upper hand against the Heroin epidemic on Long Island.
“Congressman Zeldin has been in our corner for some time now with this huge issue and this is a big win for us all… It seems like our EMS teams get a call once a day for a possible overdose. By gaining access to the supplies, training and funding at a local level, we have a real shot at saving lives and hopefully turn that life around by way of rehab and similar treatment programs.” - Nesconset Fire Department Chief Jim Keane
The Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act, already passed by the Senate, will now move forward to vote in the House. In addition to providing local support to combat the heroin epidemic, the bill would furnish grants to better monitor prescription drugs throughout the Country.
“Getting CARA passed and signed into law is a top priority of mine, and I will keep fighting until this essential piece of legislation passes the House and is signed into law by the President. CARA is an important step in the fight, but also only just part of what needs to be done on so many levels to combat this epidemic. I will continue to support all legislation that addresses the rise in heroin and opiate abuse,” Congressman Lee Zeldin
A letter was sent earlier this week, by Congressman Zeldin to the two committees overseeing the markup of CARA (House leadership at the Judiciary Committee and Energy and Commerce Committee). The letter was a call for clarification of language within the bill to ensure that all funding for Narcan production and supply goes directly to community-based providers. Click here to read the letter.