Weekend DIY Projects To Inspire An Early Spring

The weekend forecast may make it difficult to do much of anything aside from catching up on movie marathons. But as the longest winter month almost draws to an end, it’s normal to crave a little springtime awakening, especially in upcoming bad weather. We scoured the web to find easy and beautiful DIY projects to put a little Spring in your life.

Spring Bulb Containers

Fill a terra cotta or glass bowl with Soil, River Stones, pebbles or glass beads. Add easy to sprout bulbs like Paperwhites or pre-chilled daffodils and secure bulbs with an extra layer of stones. The bulbs should be visible.  Add water until about 1 inch away from the bottom of the bulb. Note: Only use soil on containers with drainage holes.

Bulb Tips: The bigger the bulb, the more flowers. Also, be sure the bulbs are firm, free from nicks and bruises, and that the roots haven’t sprouted yet. Look for Bulbs which are labeled as “prechilled” to avoid the long chilling period required for most spring blooms. If you can’t find them prechilled, store bulbs for three weeks, inside a mesh bag in the fruit bin of a refrigerator.

herbsHerb Garden Wall Board

Cut a piece of an old wooden board and paint to match the color scheme where it will be hanging. Using an empty mason jar as reference, screw each side of a pipe strap into the wood, so half of the screw is still showing. Separate each strap equally throughout the board. Fill three or more mason jars with potting soil and plant seedlings of basil, rosemary, parsley or any aromatic herbs you love. Insert one jar at a time, into its strap and secure the screws fully into the wood. Hang on a wall that gets good sunlight and enjoy.

lavendarPropagate Lavender

Remove leaves from the bottom of each stem. Place cuttings in glass containers filled with water in a sunny window. Change the water every four to five days. Add water daily, if needed Roots will begin sprouting after two weeks. Once roots develop, dip them in cinnamon or raw honey and plant directly into clean soil.