Today we observe, not only the memory of Our Heroes who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our Freedoms, but we pay homage to the Soldiers of the Past and Present. Veterans Day should be honored by us all as a Sacred Day. It is a day to teach our younger generations the significance of Bravery, to pray for the men and women serving overseas and to care for the many generations of Veterans living within our Community. If you are looking for a way to pay tribute, Our Resident Patriots has some great ways to Salute our Vets!
Head out to The Parades
Support VFW POST 395 at the St. James Veterans Parade. Raise your flags high and cheer with your neighbors, beginning at 9:30 AM along Woodlawn and Lake Avenues.
The Kings Park Veterans Parade kicks off at 10am starting off at RJO corner of Old Dock Rd and Church St. goes West on Old Dock Rd to Rt 25A E – Main St. to corner of Main St. and Church St. ending at Veteran’s Plaza, the side of King Park Library.
Fly Your Flag
Sometimes a small gesture is the most meaningful. Imagine driving around town and seeing all the houses with Flags hanging proud. If you were a Veteran, wouldn’t it warm your heart to know how many people were thinking about your service?
Give Back
There are many wonderful Charities out there for Veteran Services. The Wounded Warrior Project for example has made an incredible impact on many Service Men and Women as they return home from Overseas, targeting PTSD with a Soldier to Soldier method which has become revolutionarily effective in Veterans returning from the Middle East.
America's VetDogs provides guide dogs for veterans who are blind; service dogs for those with other physical disabilities; physical and occupational therapy dogs to work with amputees in military and VA hospitals. Donating to America’s VetDogs will help to train and provide specialized assistance dogs and a lifetime of aftercare support to disabled veterans and active service members at absolutely no charge to them.
Volunteer at a Veterans Hospital
The Northport VA Medical Center depends on the goodwill of volunteers, providing important functions throughout the Medical Center and help patient well being. To Volunteer Contact Richard Kitson 631-261-4400 Ext. 7183
Support Our Troops
You don’t need a holiday to say Thank You to our Soldiers. Send your old Cell Phones to a Soldier overseas or donate a phone card to help them communicate with loved ones. Cell Phones for Soldiers provides cost-free communication services to active-duty military members and veterans.
Write a Letter of Gratitude: A Million Thanks provides support and appreciation to our active and veteran military men and women through sending letters and granting betterment of life wishes, as well as providing higher education scholarships to their children.
Send a Care Package with a click of a button: Operation Gratitude sends over 150,000 care packages loaded with food, sanitary items, entertainment and handmade items with personal letters of support, addressed to individual Soldiers deployed overseas, to their children left behind, and to Veterans.