The Ugly Truth

Commack Coalition of Caring & Suffolk County Police department, 4th Precinct Presents “The Ugly Truth”

Thanks to brave parents and intrepid community members like our steadfast journalist Maureen Rossi, the front lines in the war on Heroin within our neighborhoods is sending the threat into retreat.  The chance to become a part of the solution, is taking place at Commack High School on February 3rd at 7pm. Learn of the dangers of easy prescription drug access and the slippery slope into heroin abuse our children could face, at The Ugly Truth. Spend the evening with parents and young people who have lived through addiction, law enforcement and medical personnel who see the consequences every day, and treatment professionals trying to help those impacted by addictions.

Guest Speakers include Nationally recognized psychiatrist and public health advocate, Dr. Andrew Kolodny, an expert in the opioid addiction epidemic and Director of PROP: Physicians for Responsible Opioid Prescribing. Speakers will include a Suffolk County Police Officer with ties to community and prevention programs, a medical examiner who has examined overdose victims, Insurance Coverage expert along with Representatives from various substance abuse treatment and youth agencies will be available to

provide information and private consultations to families in need of assistance.

For more information, call Debbie Virga at (631) 858-3623. Or click to register for the forum online.