To Sell or Not to Sell? That is the Question

By Robin Rosenberg, Licensed Real Estate Salesperson - Signature Premier Properties

It’s hard to believe that just a few weeks ago, the Real Estate market was booming. Nearly 75 people attended my most recent open house and multiple offers poured in before the days end. Without much notice or warning, Real Estate has abruptly halted due to the COVID-19 pandemic, along with the masses of an industry based economy. This has left our profession; and quite frankly the world, stunned. In this unprecedented, nation-wide quarantine, the big question remains: Can I sell my house? 

Technically, the answer is yes. Banks are lending, closings are happening, the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) is up and running and continues to be the number one way to market a home. Thanks to the virtual world of technology realtors can work from home, to market properties, negotiate price, coordinate appraisals, and walk-throughs. In this new (temporary) era, we cannot however, physically be part of the process. 

While MLS remains the best way to reach the most prospective buyers around the world. FaceTime has allowed the realtor to be part of the process without physically being present. 

People will always need a place to call home. The market will recover. Houses will sell and all will be good in the world. For now however, my answer, “to sell or not to sell?” is a very personal decision with many complicated factors to consider. Your health is the priority. Beyond that, seek the advice of your local real estate professional for guidance in navigating these unchartered waters. We are in this together, and will come out stronger on the other side… together. ‬

Robin Rosenberg is a Licensed Real Estate Salesperson with Signature Premier Properties Contact: ‪631-379-8636‬