It's 10 A.M. Do You Know Where Your Tax Dollars Are?
Smithtown residents hoping to catch the special board meeting on Tuesday, June 23rd, via the Town of Smithtown’s online Video Stream, were left to wonder what happened. The last minute notice was posted online last week, announcing the Special Board Meeting, where Comptroller Donald Musgnug would brief Council Members on the financial status of the 2015 Budget thus far. The Comptroller’s analysis of the 2015 budget to date, provided departmental insight and warned the Town to be selective with expenditures for the second half of 2015. Failure to spend conservatively would raise concerns, foreseeing the potential for a lower Bond Rating, property tax hikes or labor cutbacks in the following year.
Comptroller Musgnug recommended selective spending throughout the departments, filling only the essential positions, leaving the non-essential positions vacant and promoting from within if possible. Musgnug also advised against tapping into reserve funds to balance the budget.
“We need to continue to tighten our belts so that we can bring the town’s operating results closer to breakeven in 2015.” - Smithtown Comptroller Donald Musgnug
We warned you this would happen!
Councilmen Ed Wehrheim and Bob Creighton were the minority, in looking out for Smithtown taxpayers, when they voted against the 2015 Budget this past fall. The two Town Board members went on record to various news sources explaining valid concerns and potential ramifications behind specific amendments in the 2015 budget. After Tuesday morning's special Town Board Meeting, the Councilmen are having a Told You So moment. The consequences, which Councilmen Wehrheim and Creighton warned and voted against will affect every Smithtown Resident and Employee alike. Since the Comptroller’s State of the 2015 Budget didn’t make the minutes or the public video stream, we felt the obligation to report the facts to Smithtown taxpayers, who deserve to hold those responsible accountable.
To put it bluntly… Taxes went up and reserve funds were depleted without explanations or assurances prior to the budget vote. Now everything foreseen by the voting minority; Councilmen Creighton and Wehrheim, has become a reality.
- Taxpayers are shelling out 60% more in tax dollars than originally proposed in the preliminary budget to pay for department transitions that are not happening.
- $1.1 million dollars has been wasted on the purchase of packer trucks for a Leaf and Brush Removal transition that has officially flopped.
- Taxpayers are paying an additional $30 increase for the Solid Waste Fee for a Leaf and Brush Collection transition that fell through. In layman's terms, you’re writing a check for extra funds for something that never happened.
- Taxes increased to pay for $117,000 in tertiary raises of which, two resignations resulted in $10,000 payed out to pensions. Two more, were for the assumption of extra duties, which will not take place.
- The Leaf and Brush Removal Operation which was added to the budget, with no written assurances from the department heads in control of the transition, resulted in a $1.8 million dollar flop.
Question Authority:
As citizens of a free society, the people of this town, deserve to ask why. Why is the hard earned money of Smithtown taxpayers paying for additional fees and taxes for Town services and a departmental transition that never took place? Why were three pay increases over the course of six months in 2015 given to some 30 employees if the funds would dry up in the second half? Why was this Board Meeting, which included a vital financial status of the 2015 budget, omitted from the Town’s public access Video feed? Furthermore, how does a Town Council ignore warnings from fellow board members not to approve a 1.8 million dollar operation without written assurances from the overseeing department heads? If Hindsight is 20/20, will Council Members give the minority board members a louder voice next time around? Or will history repeat itself, allowing this to end up swept under the rug?