Tag: Congressman Lee Zeldin
Local officials gathered along with family members of the four young women killed in a Cutchogue Limo crash and the four survivors to unveil a ...
Congressman Lee Zeldin is combating those pesky telemarketers from calling at all hours, with the release of a new fact sheet. His goal is to educate ...
The American Health Care Act Passes House of Representatives, to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, A.K.A. Obamacare Congressman Lee Zeldin voted YES on ...
Smithtown High School East senior Emily Anne Peterson met with Congressman Lee Zeldin, on Wednesday, during her trip to Washington, D.C., for the Regeneron Science ...
Get ready to go Live with Congressman Lee Zeldin from the comfort of your sofa… Tonight, March 7th, 2017 beginning at 7:30 PM, Congressman Zeldin ...
House Speaker Paul Ryan has appointed Congressman Lee Zeldin to serve on the Holocaust Memorial Council. The council was established in 1980 by Congress, dedicated ...
Congressman Zeldin travels overseas with the Bipartisan Congressional Delegation to visit with US Soldiers over the Holidays. Our Congressman, Lee Zeldin is spending his second ...
Op-ed Written by Congressman Lee Zeldin (NY-01) This year's election cycle has been one of the dramatic and polarizing in our nation's history. To move ...
Congressman Lee Zeldin met with soon-to-be 8th grader, Matthew Redlein, fondly known as the Hero at America’s VetDogs yesterday. Matthew was awarded a Certificate of ...
We are all too familiar with the Heroin epidemic, running rampant within our Community. A giant step towards life-saving treatment was made today, thanks to ...