One very special teacher, who inspired minds here in Smithtown and far abroad in Kenya, has found a way to connect us all together. Former Smithtown Social Studies teacher, Larry Hohler, collected gently used soccer uniforms and soccer balls from Smithtown Central School District and delivered them to the Hope Children’s Home in Kenya. The Orphanage is where Hohler devoted his time for years, teaching both here in Smithtown and in Kenya.
From 1966 to 1999, Larry Hohler was a social studies teacher in the Smithtown Central School District. During his career in Smithtown, Hohler received a sabbatical to travel and teach in East Africa. One of his former students, Joseph Kirima Rwito, now serves as as director of Hope Children’s Home in Kenya while Hohler serves as Co-President in USA.
When the AIDS pandemic hit in the 1990s, many children lost their parents and were forced to live on the streets. Hohler and Kirima helped fundraise in the U.S. and Africa and opened the Hope Children’s Home in 2005. Since then, 90 children have been provided with housing and other goods thanks to generous donors such as Smithtown Central School District.
How to Give Back at Hope Children's Home:
Download the APP and automatically give back, each time you shop online. The iGive application let’s retailers know, that you are an iGive member, donating a percentage of online purchases you make to Hope Childrens Fund.
For a dollar a day, you can sponsor a child, providing the basic needs of one child at the Hope Children’s Home in Kenya on an annual basis. As a sponsor you can choose to mentor your child or partner with another to do the mentoring. All sponsors receives a photo and short biography of their child.