Smithtown Students Intern at Brookhaven National Lab

brookhaven national lab

Four budding scientists from Smithtown High School were hand picked for a prestigious internship at Brookhaven National Laboratory this Summer. Russell Berger, Dan Serino, Emma Harlow and Max Bublitz  were recommended by High School East Physics professor, Dr. Gillian Winters to intern under the tutelage of Dr. Helio Takai, a Senior Experimental particle physicist at Brookhaven National Lab. The four Smithtown High School students are among the select group of interns, comprised of undergraduate students from Stony Brook University and SUNY Farmingdale.

Dr. Gillian Winters tells Smithtown Today she is thrilled that her students will get an extraordinary opportunity to expand their knowledge with her good friend and a respected Mentor, Dr. Takai.

BrookhavenNationalLab“In high school physics, students really only get to learn the A.B.C’s… but now they will get a chance to apply that basic knowledge and learn how to explore and develop research. They will get to get to perform good science and basic research in a hands-on experience.” –   Dr. Gillian Winters, Smithtown High School Physics Teacher

Dr. Winters has also spent the first week of the internship program, checking in with her students to make sure they are finding their way around campus and meshing well with fellow interns. Winters tells Smithtown Today, that she hopes to check in on them and keep informed on their progress throughout the Summer.

Dr. Helio Takai was equally excited to have a team of interns to work with this Summer. In a phone interview with Smithtown Today, Dr. Takai explained how much joy it brings him to see young minds exposed to the process and that unknown factor in Science. He was even kind enough to explain his work and research by using journalism as an example.

“Just like when you are investigating a story or fact checking, you may find that the facts result in a different story than what you had intended to write. We don’t always know where the research is going to take us… I enjoy watching these young minds explore that first stepping stone.” – Dr. Helio Takai, Senior Physicist, Brookhaven National Laboratory

We got a chance to talk with two of the four interns from Smithtown, to find out how the first week of work went. Russell Burger said, “the internship is a wonderful opportunity as someone who love science.”

Max Bublitz, who is currently working on fine tuning the computer code for the program said the first week has been fun. Bublitz tells Smithtown Today that he was pleasantly surprised that Dr. Takai had a laid back manner about him, which has made the first week in an intimidating setting, very welcoming. When we asked him what the difference was between school and the work he is doing with Dr. Takai, Max said, “There is a certain freedom to the research process that we are encouraged to explore. I’m really looking forward to spending the summer here.

Brookhaven National Laboratory was founded in 1947.  The multiprogram national laboratory is operated by Brookhaven Science Associates for the U.S. Department of Energy.  The team of Scientist conduct research in the physical, biomedical, and environmental sciences, as well as in energy technologies and national security. Seven Nobel Prizes have been awarded for discoveries made at the Lab.

Brookhaven Lab also builds and operates major scientific facilities available to university, industry, and government researchers. The Brookhaven staff is comprised of approximately 3,000 scientists, engineers, technicians, and support staff, and hosts more than 4,000 guest researchers annually.