Smithtown Storm Damage 411

Information on reporting Smithtown Storm Damage, Power Outages and getting Help

It was just after 5 AM when thunder rumbled, shaking homes all over Smithtown. Whistling winds sounding like fast moving freight trains, hail pummeling rooftops and lightning flashing at strobe light speed, had many residents fearing a potential tornado. The damage and power outages, done in such a short period, along Nissequogue and St. James looked much like a war zone. Smithtown Today staff spent much of the morning gathering information for our readers. We spoke with our Fire Departments, Town Council and various emergency responder agents to get your questions answered and get you back to business as usual.

20098866358_9786b836ef_zSmithtown Parks Department Director, Sandy Miranda has had a busy morning, surveying all of Smithtown’s parks. Landing Golf Course has been hit the hardest, with 20-25 trees falling along the golf course. Sunken Meadow looks to be unscathed by last nights storm. According to Miranda, you’d think the storm simply skipped over the beach.

20100625328_279c18b0aa_zCouncilman Ed Wehrheim spoke with us this morning, giving readers an update on where the clean-up stands and what Smithtown Residents should do. Wehrheim stated that Smithtown Highways and Parks Departments have been very busy all morning assessing the damage. The Councilman reported that some of the Town Buildings have been experiencing phone and electricity issues, providing the proper protocols, right numbers to call and what to do, for those who haven’t been able to reach authorities.

20102037029_cbedc134a5_z“Power outages and tree debris are the main issues in need of immediate action for our residents.  PSE&G and the Smithtown Public Safety Department are collaborating together to reach all Smithtown Residents reporting power outages, falling trees and similar potentially damaging situations. If you have a non-life-threatening emergency, like a fallen tree or large tree limb that could hit  power lines, please call Public Safety to report the problem. All Power Outages should be reported to PSE&G or your current electricity provider. Also, please check on elderly neighbors or family members. Make sure they have a cool place to rest in this bad humidity today.” – Councilman Ed Wehrheim

Lightening hits two power lines just 40 feet apart
Lightening hits two power lines just 40 feet apart

Jeff Bressler at Smithtown Fire Department warns residents that we are not out of the storm just yet. Be on the lookout for loose tree branches that may fall on power lines.

“When we have fast moving strong storms like we did today the residual effect is road debris and the extreme danger of downed power line. If you see something, say something. It is better to receive numerous reports from neighbors on the same downed line then no one taking the initiative to call 911.” – Jeff Bressler Smithtown Fire Department

Bressler added that the Smithtown Fire District is working together with police and has an exceptional relationship with the Suffolk County Police Department. The fire department is taking initiative to share the responsibility with police, working hand in hand under dangerous conditions to keep our residents safe.

Smithtown Fire Department Safety Tips:

If you see a downed power line or an arching line it is important to do the following steps to ensure your safety.

  • Never attempt to touch a downed power line or go near one. Power lines are not insulated like power cords. Always assume the power line is live.
  • If you are driving and come upon a downed line don’t drive over it.
  • If a power line is downed near your home make sure you keep your children and pets in the house until the emergency is over.
  • If someone unfortunately comes in contact with a line do not attempt to touch them. Wait for a police and fire rescue response.
  • If you are driving during a storm and your vehicle comes in contact with a power line stay inside the vehicle. The ground around your car may be energized. Call 911 on your cell or open the window and call for help.
  • Once fire and police arrive on a scene they will secure the area around the power line and keep things safe until LIPA/PSEG arrives to address the emergency.

How to Report PSEG Power Outages

  • Text: OUT to PSEGLI (773454) Text REG to register your cell phone. Learn more
  • Call: 1-800-490-0075 Report an outage or electrical emergency – 24/7
  • Mobile: Visit us on your smartphone at

How To Report Tree Debris/Damage

  • Call Public Safety to Report Fallen Trees, Debris or other Non-Life-Threatening Issues
  • Phone Number for Public Safety: 631-360-7553