Smithtown Senior Citizens Department Awarded $110k Grant

Smithtown has been awarded a grant for two 16 passenger buses that will be used by the Senior Citizen Department for its transportation program. The grant will finance 80% of the total cost of the two vehicles, which is approximately $137,770. The town is responsible for a match of 20%. Both passenger buses will replace two vehicles that are near the end of their service life. The grant application was submitted by Senior Center Department Director, Laura Greif.

“We are excited to receive the two new buses. This will definitely increase our ridership and allow us to meet the high demand for afternoon doctors appointments, support groups, grocery shopping, and other daily living necessities.” – Laura Greif, Director of the Smithtown Senior Citizens Department

Smithtown is home to one of the highest populations of seniors on Long Island. The program provides for essential services in the Smithtown Township for Senior Citizens ages 60 and over without other means of transportation. Curb-to-Curb pick-up runs from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm on weekdays. The two new vehicles will allow the Senior Department to meet the increase in demand for the transportation services.

Director Laura Greif originally applied for the grant in 2016. The NY State Department of Transportation recommended the Town of Smithtown for the grant in July of 2017 to the Federal Transit Administration. The state sent the official contract documents to the Town early last week, allowing the project to move forward. Smithtown will send the required matching funds ($27,414) to the State to procure and deliver the buses to the town.