Smithtown Residents Sound Off at Open Hearing

McCarthy’s $30k raise, Animal Shelter Outrage and a plea for answers at last nights Open Hearing

Last nights Smithtown Town Board’s Open Hearing on the 2015 Preliminary Budget raised concerns over the return of the controversial $30,000 raise to the Deputy Supervisor’s stipend, which was rescinded in 2014 after major news headlines sent outrage throughout the community.  The majority of questions and comments from concerned residents were regarding how the resolution of McCarthy’s 600 percent raise ended up in the 2015 fiscal year Preliminary Budget.

Randy Shaw of Kings Park Stated:

You took it off the table and now you have it in the budget… You had a lot of resentment from the town of Smithtown and that’s why I believe it was taken off the table. Now you put it into the budget and there are a lot of people appalled by that.

Smithtown Residents utilized last nights open hearing to voice pressing concerns regarding current construction projects, the new sanitation division for leaves, brush and similar debris pick up and a petition to close Montclair Ave due to speeding, drag racing, truck traffic and traffic volume becoming a safety concern.

But the shock and awe came when several residents came forward about the Smithtown Animal Shelter. Complaints varied from neglect, lack of veterinary care and overall hygiene of the facility. However the major complaint was that a child of one staff member had committed sexual acts against other minors on more than one occasion. A plea was made for an immediate investigation into the matter and that all families who volunteered during the time these events took place be notified in order to protect and care for their Children.  A statement was made by Town Supervisor Vecchio that they would be embarking on rehabilitation efforts as quickly as possible.  Concerned members of the community should refer to the facebook page Smithtown Animal Shelter needs Change which is devoted to educating the public in hopes of improving conditions at the shelter.

Click To View the 2015 Preliminary Budget