Smithtown Good Samaritans Sewing to Save Lives

Two Smithtown residents are making an honorable use of their time at home by helping those first responders and caregivers on the front lines of the COVID-19 virus.  College student Kyra Dalli and sister-in-law Gillian Natt have joined up with Stitched Together Long Island to sew masks for Doctors, Nurses, law enforcement and first responders who battle this worldwide pandemic daily. With reports of personal protective equipment & supplies being hoarded and rationed, the charitable service Dalli and Natt are providing to local heroes is not only noble… it’s lifesaving. 

“The best part about what we are doing is seeing the difference just one mask can make. We are trying to make lemonade out of lemons. It’s amazing how many people have come together…  it makes you appreciate those around you and those that are on the front lines.”

– Gillian Natt, Smithtown Resident & Volunteer Seamstress for Stitched Together Long Island 

Stitched Together Long Island is a group of volunteers who are donating their time to sew masks to be donated to hospitals, nursing homes, animal shelters, high risk individuals with a compromised immune system or those who could not obtain access to the N95 masks. 

Personal protective equipment (PPE) is a vital necessity for hospital staff, first responders and those caring for the most vulnerable, such as nursing home employees. This gear not only helps to protect the front line soldiers, battling this pandemic, but it can aid in preventing additional spread. 


Starting Monday, a drop box will be available for residents who wish to donate fabric in the lobby at Town Hall (rear entrance) located at 99 W. Main Street in Smithtown. 

  • Fabric must be Tight-weave cotton (100%) fabric, such as quilting cotton.
  • Fabric should be relatively new, purchased within the last year.
  • Cotton T-shirts can also be donated, but should be washed (with fragrance free detergent) and dried prior to dropping off. 
  • Please place materials in a plastic bag and seal before drop off. 

Seamstresses with sewing machine’s at home can offer to sew masks with Stitched Together Long Island by private messaging the Facebook administrator.

People can also contribute by offering to pick up and drop off the masks where they are needed via the Facebook page.