Smithtown Gets $500,000 Jumpstart

Town Officials and Kings Park Community Leaders joined Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone at Park Bake Shop in Kings Park to celebrate $500,000 in Jumpstart Funds, which has been awarded to the town. On October 3rd, the County Executive signed the bill that awarded the Town of Smithtown $500,000 to support economic development in the Kings Park downtown district. The funding will build a municipal parking lot in downtown Kings Park located just off Pulaski and Main Street. This improvement in infrastructure will expand efforts to create a more pedestrian friendly downtown that supports local business.

“Successful business owners like Gabe and Lucy at Park Bake Shop have had to make due with losing business because of a lack of parking. By creating off-street parking, we are giving our downtown shops the opportunity to grow, while doing away with traffic congestion as drivers slow down to find on street parking. ” – Supervisor Edward R. Wehrheim

The proposal calls for the creation of 23 parking spaces for businesses like Relish, Park Bake Shop, Shipping Center, The Reel Kitchen, and Dragon House. It will also assist in the leasing of long-time vacant shops, as the lack of parking has prevented small business owners from choosing Kings Park as its future home. Providing off-street parking options has a proven record in improving foot traffic while creating a walkable, centralized sense of place.

In 2017, a Downtown Market Analysis and Action Plan was completed by Larisa Ortiz Associates. In this study, it was determined that the businesses along “Restaurant Row” were suffering due to a lack of sufficient parking. The Analysis was backed up by public polling from both residents and business owners.

About the Jumpstart Program:
Suffolk County’s Jumpstart Program is part of a comprehensive economic development plan designed to encourage, foster, and enhance the planning and development of regionally significant developments in and around Suffolk’s downtowns. Suffolk County has awarded $11.3 million in Jumpstart funding since 2013.