Revitalize Downtown Kings Park

Residents in Kings Park are extremely proactive when it comes to the development and upkeep of the community. Thanks to a partnership between the Chamber of Commerce, Civic Association and Vision Long Island, Kings Park residents can be a part of revitalizing downtown Kings Park during a Visioning Workshop this Saturday, October 24th from 10 AM to 2 PM at William T. Rogers Middle School Cafeteria. Early birds are welcome to attend a special walking tour, prior to the workshop at 8:30 AM.

Kings-Park-Charrette-Flyer_01The President of the Kings Park Chamber of Commerce, Tony Tanzi, has been at the front lines of revitalizing downtown. Tanzi has aligned the Kings Park’s Chamber of Commerce together with the Civic Association in a community wide initiative to improve the heart of the town. The Kings Park Chamber of Commerce and the Civic Association have put together $5,000 each to hire Vision Long Island to build a community vision prospectus intended to identify the resources needed to transform the community. Vision Long Island has underwritten the remaining $5,000 balance for the prospectus.

The three organizations will compile the thoughts and concerns of Kings Park residents, combined with their assets, ideals and resources to produce a plan for a brighter, bigger, booming downtown. But before they can can create a Vision for the town, members of the community must get involved.

“I think it’s really important that everyone take part in this process.  It’s essential that all voices be heard if we are to come up with a plan that embodies the true sentiments of the residents of Kings Park.  I’m excited about the possibilities that lay before us if we all work together.” - Tony Tanzi,  President of the Kings Park Chamber of Commerce

Every Citizen of Kings Park is welcome to be a part of the vision this Saturday.  William T. Rogers Middle School is located at 97 Old Dock Road in Kings Park.