Republican Primary Town Council Candidate Round Up

A look at Smithtown Town Council Republican Candidates

Smithtown Republicans will chose between three candidates for town council in today’s Primary.  Before you head to the polls, we’ve taken the time to do some digging to seek out the truth and debunk a few fictional faux pas that may have shown up in your mailboxes. This primary is an extremely vital election for taxpayers to participate in, as the state of the Town is at a critical turning point.  If you pay taxes in Smithtown, your vote is necessary. Here’s an honest and unbiased look at the three Republican Candidates vying for two seats at Town Council.

Councilman Ed Wehrheim

ed wCampaign Promise“There is much to be done… We need to get our youth back. They can not afford to live where they grew up and that is unacceptable. By bonding funds for economic stimulation like Smart Growth projects with New York State, we can create affordable homes close to mass transit systems for new families and a bring back a talented workforce. We also need to follow through with improving on our sewer infrastructure… This is critical in keeping our environment and water clean. But a better sewer infrastructure also leads to revitalizing local commerce, making Main Street an attractive place for new boutiques, restaurants and retail stores. New shops lead to a solid commercial tax base which equals stabilized residential taxes… It’s all connected and it’s all needed now more than ever!” – Councilman Ed Wehrheim (Watermill Luncheon – April 8th, 2015)

Experience: First employed by the Department of Parks, Buildings and Grounds in 1972, Wehrheim has devoted his entire career to the people of Smithtown. He was promoted to director in the Dept. of Parks, Buildings and Grounds in 1989 until his retirement in 2003. He became a Councilman in 2003 and has thrived in the position for three terms now.

Community Outreach: As a Vietnam War Veteran, Councilman Wehrheim remains proactive in a number of Charities and Veteran Assistance organizations.  Ed Wehrheim is a member of the Smithtown Sunrise Rotary, The Smithtown Historical Society,  the Smithtown BPO Elks Lodge and serves as a Trustee of the Kings Park Education Foundation

Endorsements: NYS Senator John Flanagan, Congressman Lee Zeldin, Comptroller John M. Kennedy Jr., Assemblyman Michael Fitzpatrick, John Jay LaValle – Chairman of the Suffolk County Republican Committee, Smithtown Republican Chairman Bill Ellis, The Suffolk County Police Benevolent Association, The Grand Council of Emerald Societies, Media Support also includes The Smithtown Messenger and Smithtown Today

Councilman Bob Creighton

bob cCampaign Promise – “Smithtown is my home, a town I love and will continue to protect and serve. We have one of the highest median incomes in Long Island, but our own kids can’t afford to raise their families here. We must continue to pursue Smart Growth development efforts like the property across from Town Hall and bring our kids home. The need for a better sewer infrastructure is imminent, as is an environmentally sound plan to transition the coming waste removal crisis. Lawrence Avenue, in Village of the Branch is literally across from Main Street, Smithtown and there are no empty storefronts. If we improve on government transparency, we can work efficiently to ensure a successful downtown Smithtown is in our reach.” – Councilman Bob Creighton (BBQ fundraiser July 22, 2015)

Experience: Bob Creighton has served as Councilman for 8 years in Smithtown. Prior to his two terms in office, Creighton flourished in law enforcement as a Suffolk County police officer for 20 years. The former Suffolk County Police Commissioner served on the New York State organized crime task force and was Chief Investigator for the Suffolk County District Attorney’s office. Mr. Creighton’s resume includes a successful career in the private sector as well, working for companies such as American Express and Visa International and ran his own security company.

Community  Outreach: The United States Navy Veteran is an active member of the community, who served as an Adjunct Professor at several local universities for 22 years. Creighton is involved with a number of organizations such as The Ascent School for Children with Autism, The Cleary School for the Deaf, Knights of Columbus, COPS Foundation, Ancient Order of Hibernians, The Suffolk County Police Emerald Society, and a Trustee for St. Joseph’s Church.

Endorsements: NYS Senator John Flanagan, Congressman Lee Zeldin, Comptroller John M. Kennedy Jr., Assemblyman Michael Fitzpatrick, John Jay LaValle – Chairman of the Suffolk County Republican Committee, Smithtown Republican Chairman Bill Ellis, The Suffolk County Police Benevolent Association, The Grand Council of Emerald Societies, Media Support also includes The Smithtown Messenger and Smithtown Today

Candidate Lisa Inzerillo

lisa inzCampaign Promise – If elected Lisa will fight for effective government and stable taxes, Maintaining Supervisor Vecchio’s tight-fisted budgeting, A healthy & safe Town for our children to grow up in, Protection of our environment and green spaces and Quality of Life – “Don’t try to fix what isn’t broken”. If elected Lisa will fight against Misguided overdevelopment, Needless additional layers of Town Government, Will vote down the UPLANDS, Abuse of sensible Town zoning regulations.  – Lisa Inzerillo for Town Council Campaign Website

Experience: Lisa Inzerillo, presently operates a local division of an online business, based out of Georgia, that offers boutique-style baby gifts. Within the community, Inzerillo serves as a member of the Kings Park Civic Association board member and is a founding member of the Old Northport Road/Lawrence Road Task Force.

Community Outreach: The mother of three children is also a committee chairperson for events at Kings Park Schools, an administrator for Kings Park Children’s SAS Wish List and an active member of St. Joseph’s Parish and Children’s Choir.

Endorsements: Supervisor Patrick Vecchio, Media Support includes The Smithtown News

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