New Years New You

According to the Chinese Zodiac Calendar, 2015 has been deemed the Year of The Sheep (or Goat). This translates into a year of Peace, Harmony and Tranquility. It is said that good will prevail for those who trust in a peaceful way of  living and success will flourish throughout the year. For those who are skeptical of following the ancient Zodiac, we’ve found some helpful tips to improve your wellbeing and overall way of life for New Years.

How to keep New Years Resolutions

There are plenty Smartphone applications dedicated to seeing through New Years Resolutions. However the great minds to deliver StickK, have found a clever way to incorporate incentives, stakes and support from fellow Resolutionites, to assure you achieve your goals.  StickK is a user friendly app that helps to define a goal, acknowledge the steps to turn each goal into a reality and use incentives and accountability as leverage to assure success. Think of it as a financial wager. If you fulfill your goals, you get your money back. If not, the funds lost can go to a Charity like Doctors without Borders or to a family member, friend or even a Nemesis!

Make a Visualutions Jar

masonjarStart by writing down a list of obtainable wishes you would like to see granted for yourself this year. Then gather an old stash of magazines, a glass jar, along with arts and crafts supplies, like scrapbook paper, stickers, markers and ribbon. Take some “Creativity Time” aside to decorate the jar so it is personalized and deemed unique by your own standards. Once the jar is decorated, cut out photos or symbols from the magazines that represent each wish on your list and place them inside the wish jar. Each week, put one of wishes inside your wallet and make it a silent goal to take steps at obtaining that wish. You will be surprised at the end of the year by all you achieved by putting your mind to it.

Memory Meditation

We all have a morning ritual that allows for a few minutes of reflection. Whether it includes coffee and the morning news, zoning out for five minutes before the snooze button goes off or just taking a minute longer in the shower, give yourself the gift of reliving a favorite memory.  Take that even further by digging deep into your mind to remember the smells and sensations from that day as well.The positive start it will have on your day will stay with you, bringing a powerful energy for prosperity throughout.

Random Made-You-Smile Post-it

postitKindness is contagious! Chose a co-worker at random each week and send them a funny proverb compliment via drive by Post-it. For example, draw a box with a stick figure outside of the box, with your colleagues name above the head. Then write something like, your presentation shows a creative ingenuity that is really outside the box thinking… Thanks for keeping us inspired!  Type and print up compliments on business labels to avoid suspecting individuals from identifying your handwriting. Watch how good repoire becomes around the water cooler.  Note: Keep it business appropriate and stay away from personal touches which could end up misleading.