New Columnist From Transformations Counseling

Advice from Main Street – Transformations Counseling Group

By Maureen Rossi

tc owner1It is with great excitement that Smithtown Today announces another monthly column that will benefit our readers.   We wrote about Harriette Rover Ferguson, LCSW-R and her counseling Center, Transformations Counseling, a few months back.   We wrote about the innovative counseling services she provides from her and her partner Ken Burns, LCSW,  office on Main Street in Smithtown.

This will be a little different from some of the other monthly columns we will be introducing because you can write to Harriett with questions like:   I found pot in my 14 year old son’s backpack, what do I do?    Or –we just moved to Smithtown and my daughter is in sixth grade; she doesn’t seem to have any friends, she extremely shy, I’m not sure how I can help her.

Harriett has helped thousands throughout her career with an array of issues from substance abuse to marriage issues and family issues.  Listen we all know these kids of our don’t show up with directions attached to their umbilical cords; toss in the fact that the strong presence of technology has them being raised in a world that doesn’t entirely represent the one we were raised in.  Although a great boon, a great education tool, technology, particularly social medial has created so many problems for kids and families – cyber-bullying is a serious issue, sexting is a serious issue, the ability to order illegal substances online is yet just another issue.  Write to Harriett with your questions and she will address them on Smithtown Today – please specify if you don’t want your last name used.  We look forward to hearing from Harriett and from you, our valued readers.

Her first column will appear in a few days – where she writes about the non-addicted children in a family where one child/young adult is an addict.  It’s Called What About Me?  We look forward to Harriett’s columns and her sage advice.

Send Harriette Your Questions to

About Harriette Rovner Ferguson,LCSW-R

Harriette Rovner Ferguson has been providing psychotherapy to individuals and couples searching for better ways to manage their anxiety, depression, post traumatic stress and relationship issues for the past twenty years. She is a mental health consultant to infertility clinics on Long Island, New York City and Pennsylvania. She conducts interviews and evaluations for infertility patients entering an IVF cycle or those contemplating using a third party to create their families. She is the co author of “Experiencing Infertility” (WWNorton,2000) and has written extensively for magazine and newsletters and has been interviewed on television and radio regarding the emotional aspects of infertility. Her research on post traumatic growth in infertility has appeared in the Journal of Human Reproduction (October, 2009). She was the 2009-2010 chair of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine’s MHPG education committee. Harriette is also a 200hr trained yoga teacher from Beryl Birch’s Hard and Soft Yoga Institite and is a Y12SR teacher which is a recovery program combining the 12 steps with yoga.