A Kings Park Crowd Shows Support for Matt Lauer, Along his Journey to raise awareness for Red Nose Day
If you were up early on Wednesday May 20th and driving through Kings Park on 25A you would have spotted a crowd by the Kings Park Fire Department, a police escort, film crews, news crews and the very popular NBC Today Show host Matt Lauer.
Lauer was cycling well over two hundred thousand miles on the East Coast from Boston to the Big Apple to raise awareness for Red Nose Day. Red Nose Day is calling upon all Americans to address the critical issue of childhood poverty and the ensuing problems that surround poverty as it is often a breeding ground for other social ills.
May 21st is RED NOSE DAY and Lauer’s network NBC will run a three hour special with some of the nation’s most popular actors and comediennes and performers. People will be able to call in or log in or text donations.
It’s hard to believe that childhood poverty is still an issue in America when there is a slew of country residents with obscene amounts of money.
The purpose of Red Nose Day is to make people laugh by simply having fun and making people laugh. Chances are children living in poverty don’t laugh or have as much fun as other children. Empty bellies, rat infested homes, lack of toys and not enough clothes can create an impenetrable guard against any fun in childhood.
But the people who conceptualized Red Nose Day want you to have fun, enjoy the entertainment and they want you to DONATE.
We believe in a just world free from poverty and use the power of entertainment to create positive change in the world