Go For Zollo: Contender for Suffolk County Legislator

Former Town Attorney John Zollo was interviewed live on LI News Radio John Gomez Show yesterday as a major Contender for Suffolk County Legislator, when John Kennedy steps down from his seat to serve as Comptroller.  Zollo will have 90 days to win the vote after Kennedy steps down in early December.

When asked how far would he be willing to go, The former Town Attorney said, “There is a process and I intend to follow it…I am confident that combined with my resume, reputation and the support from those who believe in me, I can raise enough funds to assure I run a good and just campaign…  This has been a long time dream. I want to follow the same practices that John Kennedy did.”

The interview continued with Zollo’s background, qualifications and his personal ethos to remain involved within his community, to remember where we came from when looking for direction toward where we are heading.

John Gomez went on to say that he wouldn’t hesitate to vote for Zollo,  based on the live interview in addition to him coming from the private sector.