Fun Ways to Enjoy The Snow After Blizzard 2015

We got hit with so much snow that it’s a safe bet the entire family is stuck at home for the day. Both kids and adults can get stir crazy in this weather, especially when we can’t get a car out of the driveway to go anywhere. Look on the bright side… there’s enough snow on the ground to create a winter wonderland for the whole family.  We found a few clever ways to tire out the kids and create fun family memories of Blizzard 2015. So bundle up and get ready to feel young again.

igglooMake an Igloo

First, pack snow into 8-12 inch thick blocks forming a circle to create a foundation. Keep an opening for the door. Start stacking the blocks high & use snow and a water spritzer to act as cement to reinforce the blocks. When the desired height is reached, use something to support the top, such as wood beams or swim noodles. Pack more snow on top of the wood. As you get to the top, start slanting it towards the center. Top using a circular sled or garbage can top, adding more snow on top of this.  Add enough snow to create a dome look.

Tips: Save time in the cold by making a fort with old wooden crates and pack lots of snow around the wood frame.  Every time it snows, the igloo will get more authentic looking than ever.

iceballIce Ball Lanterns

Fill balloons with water. Freeze them on a cookie sheet in your freezer or put them outside in the snow. Remove/cut the balloon cover once frozen. Place LED tea lights where the balls will go in the snow and then put the ice balls on top.  The effect is beautiful at night!

icecreamSnowmade Ice Cream

In a large bowl, whisk two eggs until completely beaten.  Add four cups of milk, whisking until bubbles form. Add three teaspoons of vanilla and two cups of sugar while continuously whisking. Next, mix large scoops of clean snow,  adding scoops of snow until the mix forms into an ice cream like consistency.