Congressman Zeldin Halts Flow of Syrian Refugees

Congressman Zeldin Signs onto Seven Legislative Initiatives to Halt Influx of Syrian Refugees

Congressman Lee Zeldin has co-sponsored seven vital pieces of legislation that would halt the flow of Syrian refugees on American soil. The member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Subcommittee on the Middle East and North Africa and Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade, explained that the Federal Government can not sufficiently vet those who seek refuge. The legislation includes a review of security gaps in the current screening process, requires Homeland Security to guarantee any Iraqi or Syrian refugee, admitted to the U.S. pose no threat and an Opt-Out option for Governors.

Congressman Zeldin spoke on the House floor this past Monday night, demonstrating the urgency for added security measures, after the brutal terrorist attacks on Paris, France. The Congressman delivered the unabridged truth, explaining the dangers of being gracious hosts when the systems in place do not allow for proper background inspections, vetting and flawless security measures.   

“This is not an isolated innocent nor a final stand… far from it. It could be France today and the United States tomorrow. There is but one mandatory function constitutionally of the federal government. That is to provide for our National defense. This is a constitutional duty and a moral imperative that trumps the charity of opening our doors to a Syrian who will blow him or herself up on our streets in the name of Allah” – Congressman Lee Zeldin

The Legislation Congressman Zeldin has Sponsored:

-The Refugee Resettlement Oversight and Security Act of 2015 (H.R.3573), which would allow Congress to block any inadequate refugee resettlement plan put forward by the President and ensure the Department of Homeland Security, in coordination with the Director of National Intelligence and FBI, provide new security assurances before admitting refugees into the country. Additionally, this legislation calls for the Governmental Accountability Office (GAO) to conduct a sweeping review of security gaps in the current refugee screening process.

-The Resettlement Accountability National Security Act of 2015 (H.R.3314), which would immediately stop the resettlement of Syrian refugees in the United States until the GAO is able to complete a thorough examination on the costs to the federal, state and local government.

-The American SAFE Act of 2015 (H.R.3999) would require the Secretary of Homeland Security to certify that any refugee being admitted to the United States from Iraq or Syria are not security threats to the United States.

-The States’ Right of Refugee Refusal Act (H.R.4032), which would provide Governors with the option to “opt out” of participating in the Refugee Resettlement Program if they so choose.

-The American Security Against Foreign Enemies (SAFE) Act of 2015 (H.R. 4038) would stop the resettlement of Syrian refugees in the United States until the nation’s top security officials, including the FBI Director, Secretary of Homeland Security, and the Department of Homeland Security Inspector General, can certify the integrity of background checks, and are able to declare each refugee, individually, does not pose a threat to the United States.

-The Defund the Syrian Refugee Resettlement Program Act of 2015 (H.R. 4031), which would completely eliminate funding for the Syrian Refugee Resettlement program.

-Legislation that would prohibit federal tax dollars from being used to admit refugees from Syria to the United States (HR 4025).

To watch Congressman Zeldin’s speech from Monday night, visit his YouTube Channel