Business Olympics: Students Design Our Future Town

Business students from both Smithtown High Schools East and West are preparing for The 20th annual Business Olympics tonight, November 20 at High School West. The district-wide event brings local business professionals together with students, creating projects that stimulate economic growth and the local commerce, while building students’ business awareness.

Tonight's event will begin with students teaming up, to prepare presentations that represent their vision for the redevelopment of downtown Smithtown. The presentations will include a marketing plan, print ad campaigns and a commercial to invite people to come to the newly revitalized Smithtown downtown area.

A kickoff assembly was recently held at HSE where students had the opportunity to meet with representatives of the Smithtown Chamber of Commerce and Town Planning Board in preparation for the event. Representatives from these and other community-based businesses and institutions will be among those judging the presentations tonight.

Smithtown Today Editorial Coverage will begin promptly at 2:30 and will include streaming Twitter updates, showcasing impeccable creativity from the Students.