Branch Brook Celebrates Martin Luther King Day

Martin Luther King Jr Day

Smithtown Central School District’s Branch Brook Elementary School pay tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. during an assembly on January 15th, 2016.

mlk1Students at Branch Brook Elementary School paid a very special tribute to the life, work and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. last Friday.  On January 15th, Branch Brook Elementary Students united through music, poetry and artwork in a special Martin Luther King Day assembly. 

mlkKindergarten students performed the song, Peace Like a River,  an upbeat hymn expressing gratitude for peace, love and joy. After the adorable opening act, the first-graders performed Miss Jackie Weissman’s Sing About Martin, with colorful globes and peace signs as props. The entire second-grade classes performed the Harry Dixon Loes classic, This Little Light of Mine holding paper candles. The Assembly finale was a special poem, recited by the fifth-grade student council depicting the impact of Dr. King on the world today.