The Big Guns Arrive on LI

Zeldin Sprinting to the Finish Line

Maureen Rossi

The Democrats are pulling out the big guns as fear descends upon the party with Zeldin sprinting to election day.  Many including Team Zeldin say the time for change in Washington is now and Lee Zeldin in the man for the job.  The N.Y.S. Senator and Iraqi Veteran of War plans on unseating Tim Bishop, saying six terms is long enough.

image002 (2)It’s the eleventh hour of this year’s election season and the Democrats have brought President Bill Clinton to Long Island Wednesday, October 22nd.  Clinton will be speaking at Stony Brook University and will be endorsing the twelve year incumbent, United States Congressman Tim Bishop.  Team Zeldin says no problem, bring it on.

Nancy Pelosi wouldn’t send Bill Clinton to Long Island if the incumbent Congressman wasn’t such a blindly loyal supporter of the Obama/Pelosi agenda. Their dishonest ads aren’t working so now they are digging deeper… He gave us Obamacare, and I would improve women’s access to quality and affordable health care.  -Zelden

zeldinThe father of two young girls is adamant about the critical nature of providing the best education for the children of his district and the United States at large.  “We must tackle education reform. A quality education is a critically important stepping stone to setting up a child for success in life. I believe in more choices for parents, higher standards for students, and empowering more local leaders, not Washington bureaucrats,” he implored.

He says he supports higher standards in our schools but the abysmally rolled out and implemented Common Core curriculum is not the answer.  He says that standards sound great in theory but are diminished when presented as a one-size-fits-all system.  He says this is a blatant disregard for the uniqueness of each student and negatively impacts the way our educators are able to use their skills.   “Educators are trained professionals, they should be able to use their skills, their creative teaching methods to present a lesson, Common Core robs them of this opportunity,” he shared.

“The federal government dangled carrots in front of cash strapped states, encouraging them to sign on to Common Core standards in exchange for billions in federal funding,” said Zeldin.  He says that we have standards that were created nationally, tests created by the states and then curriculum set by the local level. However, he added that no one is talking to each other, and our children are caught in the crosshairs.  “The roll out of Common Core has been nothing short of a disaster and is setting our children up for failure,” he insisted.

As a New York Senator, Zeldin fought against the implementation of the much debated and criticized curriculum.   “These standards rely heavily on testing and much of it just isn’t age appropriate. While my opponent supports Common Core, I strongly believe we can and must do better,” he explained.

Zeldin and his team are not concerned about the arrival of the former President of the United States to stomp for his opponent.   “We are all too busy working hard to get the word out about my corebeliefs.   Everyone knows that Washington is broken, but we can’t fix it when we continue to elect the same people over and over again,” he ended.