Animal Shelter Miracles on Main Street

The hard work and passion of the staff, volunteers and new Director at the Smithtown Animal Shelter is paying off for some lucky four-legged friends. Over the last month, Director Susan Hansen and her team have rescued a handful of neglected dogs, found homes for numerous rescues and saved a deserted pup from freezing to death.

orphan_annie0On February 9th a female, senior Lab/Retriever mix was rescued from freezing weather along River Heights Drive in Smithtown. Upon arrival to the Smithtown Animal Shelter, Volunteers and staff members quickly gave the abandoned dog a warm room filled with blankets and endless affection. She was quickly deemed Annie (as in Orphan Annie). A facebook posting quickly went viral across social media. The16 year old arthritic girl remained in good spirits, surrounded with love despite the tears shed on her behalf. The staff gave Annie a full work-up, holding her for a week to fully vet and search for the possible owner. Throughout the vetting period, constant updates went out through social media channels, including her official up-for-Adoption date, February 16th 2016. On February 17th, Annie posed for a photo in her new and loving home, where she will live out her days, happily ever after.

rescued_dogsAfter a steadfast mission to rescue four terribly neglected dogs, the staff members at the Animal Shelter succeeded in forcing the owner to surrender them on February 12th, 2016. Cornona, Rex, Chewey and Diesel were rescued from appalling conditions and given more love, food and health care in the last week than they have in their entire lives. While some of the dogs will need medical procedures, the team of Volunteers and Staff members have been relentless in their efforts to get the word out, so when the time comes to find loving homes for the four rescues, there will be no short supply of loving cargivers.

While the heartbreaking cruelty, exhibited toward these innocent creatures can become unbearable for the team at the Animal Shelter, acting as their voice is what inevitably gives each rescue a loving home. Under the leadership of Susan Hansen, the new and improved Animal Shelter has worked with various organizations, media outlets and schools to get the word out about the animals available for adoption.

Most recently, The Smithtown Animal Shelter & Adoption Center partnered with Commack Middle School to host  Homeless Pet Clubs founder, Dr. Michael Good.  Dr. Good came all the way from Atlanta, Ga., to speak to Commack middle schoolers last Thursday to encourage students to spread the word throughout the community, regarding specific animals in need of suitable homes. The Commack Homeless Pet Club is the first of it’s kind on Long Island.

Since children under the age of 16 are not legally permitted to volunteer, the the love and desire, Smithtown youth have to help animals would normally be left untapped. By partnering with Homeless Pet Clubs as a shelter, the children of our town can now feel rewarded and each rescue’s chance at a good home becomes more prosperous. Registering the Smithtown Animal Shelter as a rescue partner with Dr. Good’s organization was one of the first decisions Hansen made as Director, back in August.

While the team at Smithtown Today tend to be suckers for happy endings when it comes to abandoned, Animals, there are many stories that do not always get out to the public. Stop by the Smithtown Animal Shelter and meet some of the most grateful and lovable creatures you will ever come across. If you can’t adopt, volunteer.  If you can’t volunteer, spread the word to someone who can.  

Featured Adoption:

animal_shelter_dinahDinah,4yr FS Bull Terrier Mix, enjoying the snow and playtime! She has been in the shelter for 2yrs! She gets along with other dogs, has tons of energy and is highly intelligent! She needs a home with older kids and no cats. Lets share and find this girl a home! 631-360-7575

The Smithtown Animal Shelter is located at 410 E. Main Street in Smithtown.

Hours: open Monday-Friday 8 AM- 5 PM, Saturday  8 AM- 4 PM and 11 AM – 4 PM on Sundays.