A Candidate’s Daughter Speaks Out

Councilman Robert Creighton knew he’d have to take a few political punches as most candidates do during the campaign season. But he never thought the left hook would come from a member of his own political party. Back in June, a letter from Lisa Inzerillo was published in the Smithtown News, announcing her bid for Town Council. The letter cautioned readers that her campaign would be aggressive toward her opponent, which most would assume was the Democratic party Candidate. However, Smithtown voters would learn shortly after, that the assault was directed at the current Town Councilman and fellow Republican, Robert Creighton. Over the course of the Summer, every time residents opened the mailbox, they would find large pamphlets equipped with a prohibition sign across photos of Councilman Creighton, listing slanderous accusations and complete falsehoods.  We sat down with the Councilman’s daughter, Denise Creighton, to learn how a family copes with malicious campaign tactics.

Denise Creighton is the Director of Alumni Relations at a local Catholic High School and has taught English for 31 years.

Q: How has the campaign tactics against your father, effected your family?
It would be silly for me to say that this orchestrated campaign does not effect everyone in my family.  Of course you do have to have a thick skin when you are choosing to go into politics, however, this campaign (which has Vecchio’s fingerprints all over it) is not simply a political smear but an ugly attack on my entire family.  The kids are in the Smithtwon school district and they are hearing and seeing things that are meant to tarnish their family’s reputation.  My father has a deserved good reputation – as a man of integrity and character. He is much loved by his family and anyone who has ever worked with him or for him.  He ran against Pat Vecchio and lost.  When Vecchio was threatened with being thrown out of office because he and his staff were negligent, my dad and Ed Wehrheim took the high road and voted him back in.  However, Vecchio forgets that and now has Inzerillo, Garry, Henninger doing all his dirty work.
This is an angry and ugly group that are horribly misguided when it comes to who Bob Creighton is.  Honestly, I do not think that reality interests them; they just want to win at any cost to please Vecchio.  I cannot imagine how they sleep at night!
Q: As a woman, how do feel the smear campaign against your fathers reelection by Inzerillo hurts other women in politics?

Any smear campaign is detrimental to the electoral process.  Unfortunately, this smear campaign is hurting everyone because it is taking place within a primary- pitting Republican against Republican. As a longtime Democrat who became a Republican , I can assure you that the Smithtown Democrats are loving every minute of her antics. Ms. Inzerillo is anything but what I would like to see in a political woman. She is regurgitating Mr.Vecchio’s mistruths and recycling his campaign literature. She has demonstrated that she is a woman without a single, original idea and that she is willing to misrepresent the truth in order to get into office.

Q: The Creighton’s and the Vecchio family have been around Smithtown politics for some time… Do you have a personal relationship with Pat Vecchio?

Both of our families have been around for a long time.  I knew him and he was always cordial to me.  Initially when my dad got involved with politics, Vechhio was enthusiastic.  But as I started watching him in action , I realized he had some big issues with women. Jane Conway, Joanne Gray, Pat Biancaniello, Lenore Cernitz – he treated them all with disdain and rudeness.  It was clear that if a woman stood at the podium at a Town Board meeting he would disregard them and respond rudely.  He once asked me if I was a Democrat and I told him I was for over 20 years but in time I changed to the Republican party.  His response, ” My biggest regret is becoming a Republican .  You should have stuck with the Dems.”

I was taken aback but not surprised.  He certainly did not seem happy with anything he was doing.  Year after year he has become more and more cantankerous and rude.  He stopped talking to me when he stopped talking to my dad, Ed Wehrheim and Vinny Puleo about 2 years ago.  I don’t consider it a loss .  He is really a hate – filled , angry man.

Q: Normally the primary campaigns are not against just one of the candidates yet all of Inzerillos ads have singled out your dad. Why do you think she’s going after him?

Sadly, Ms. Inzerillo has proven very contradictory when she goes off script.  In one breath she is saying she will follow the “tight-fisted Vecchio budget” and in the next she is saying she would welcome development.  In one breath she says I am not targeting anyone in particular just hoping to get elected  and  yet every piece of her campaign literature has been directed at my dad.  Mr. Vecchio has never recovered from the fact that my father dared to primary him. He is a vindictive man who knows how to use others to attempt to get his revenge.  

Q: What is the main concern for you as a taxpayer during this election?
Denise Creighton fishing with her nephews Bob , John, Kevin and niece Deirdre
Denise Creighton fishing with her nephews Bob , John, Kevin and niece Deirdre

I think the main issue for Smithtown residents this year is that we live in a beautiful township.  Much like myself, many were born and raised here and take great pride in their town.  However, our Main Streets- in Smithtown, St. James, Kings Park – are stagnant.  Empty store fronts which are not only unattractive to visitors but unproductive to the town.  In the words of Billy Preston, “Nothing from nothing leaves nothing.”  If we were a business friendly town, those empty store fronts would be occupied and adding to our tax base.  If we do not do something soon, our taxes ail go up significantly and may force those who wish to stay to leave.

Q: Your father was one of two officials who warned us against issues in the 2015 budget. Now due to the negligence of Vecchios majority vote,  we’re looking at tax increases and layoffs next year. What else could go wrong if the board gets another vote in Vecchios pocket?

The scary part of Vecchio getting another vote on the board is that he would then have a 4-1 majority on EVERY issue.  It is evident that Tom McCarthy and Lynne Nowick vote with Vecchio on nearly every issue.  That is not going to change.  If he gets Inzerillo in, she is his fourth vote.  Then anything goes…budgets, bonds, personnel, raises for the supervisor. You name it, he would have no opposition.

Q: Ms. Inzerillo has said she believes her “inexperience is an asset.” do you agree or do you think a civilian without any experience in public service would be harmful to the town?

I would welcome a “citizen ” candidate and think such could be a new angle to town government.  My dad was a citizen candidate 8 years ago.  His career was in law enforcement and the private sector.  He opted to run because he is very invested in this town.  His wife was born and raised here.  Three of his 5 adult children have raised 7 of his grandchildren here.  Dad wants those grandchildren to be able to live and eventually raise their children in the town he loves.  I think anyone can add to town government as long as they are not operating on a self-serving agenda.  Ms. Inzerillo has no experience, has proven  incredibly deceptive and, in my estimation, she is not a good candidate for any town office.