13th Annual Kings Park Bluff Clean Up

Coastal Clean-Up in Smithtown – Schmidt Committed Through the Years

By Maureen Rossi

Kings Park volunteers came out Saturday morning (joining similar clean ups all over the world) and picked up, documented, weighed and disposed of 909 POUNDS of debris for the 13th Annual Bluff cleanup (part of International Coastal Clean Up Day.)  Pamela Mary Schmidt is the captain for the Bluff Coast Clean-Up and has been for close to a decade.   The special education teacher is an ardent environmentalist.

“This was the biggest  turnout to date,” said Schmidt.   She says all information for the data cards are complied onto one master card and she sends it down to the Ocean Conservancy as all others do.  “They use the data to track global and local pollution trends,” she added.   She said they were very excited to have Suffolk County Legislator Robert Trotta come and help out with the annual clean-up. Trotta has been a strong and competent advocate for local environment issues for decades in the area.  There were approximately one hundred forty seven volunteers.